A Why Wow
Great leaders and organizations start with why. But if you want why to feel like wow, watch these two videos.
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Great leaders and organizations start with why. But if you want why to feel like wow, watch these two videos.
We often face hurdles in coming to faith. In describing how he came to Christianity, C. S. Lewis felt he cleared one particular hurdle that most believers overlook.
I occasionally hear from Christians who wonder if they’re crazy. They’re not, but you’d have to be familiar with Edwin Abbott to discover why.
When the unsustainable trajectory of entitlements was explained to President Trump, he reportedly said, “Yeah, but I won’t be here.” That’s the battle cry for many of us.
The decline in Americans describing themselves as evangelicals is larger than most evangelicals imagine. Do evangelical churches have a plan to address this?
God is a sphere, which is a wow. But there’s more wow. We experience it in everyday life.
Does the Cartesian coordinate system explain the rise of religious “nones?” Maybe.
In explaining their destiny, Frederick Douglass and Abraham Lincoln both quoted the same line from Shakespeare’s Hamlet: “There’s a divinity that shapes our ends, / Rough-hew them how we will.” They went through a lot of rough patches.
Michelangelo said “every block of stone has a statue inside it and it is the task of the sculptor to discover it.” That’s a good way to imagine my life’s work.
Cultivating Our Own Little Garden?
Michael Metzger
April 15, 2019
Jim Collins says companies make five “leaps” in going from good to great. The third one reminds us of Easter. It also reminds us of a challenge that many of us face.