Episode 89: False Narrative

I’ve heard the phrase “false narrative” a few times now and it’s stood out to me for some reason. I pick Mike’s brain on why. Is “false witness” a better phrasing? Books Mentioned in This Episode: Bearing False Witness: Debunking Centuries of Anti-Catholic History – Rodney Stark

Episode 87: Video Games

Many of us loved playing video games as a kid. Now that we’ve all grown up, we still play. A lot. In this episode Mike and I talk about video games and the significant use of them common among grown men today. Books Mentioned in This Episode: Amusing Ourselves to Death – Neil Postman The…

Episode 86: Divorce

Divorce feels more common among my personal relationships as I see friends or friends of friends begin to contemplate its possibility in their lives. My question to Mike was simply, “how do I help”. In this episode Mike and I talk about divorce, marriage, and what it all has to do with the marital gospel….

Episode 84: Ukraine

There’s a lot to comprehend with the invasion of Ukraine. What’s the motivation behind it, what are the global politics involved in it, how do we respond to it as a nation and as individuals. In this episode, Mike tackle’s some of those questions and sheds light on how we could respond as believers. Mentioned…