Episode 101: Advent

Many churches celebrate Advent around the world but how many Christians know why we do? What can we do to bring this season to life for our children so they learn to engage in it early? In today’s conversation Mike, as always, steps back to shed light on the “why” behind Advent and offers helpful…

Episode 99: Starting an Ambidextrous Business

Ambidextrous organizations think and operate using both right and left hemispheres. You can find a good little video on establishing an ambidextrous infrastructure at https://claphaminstitute.org/businesses-with-an-ambidextrous-infrastructure. While the context of the conversation for this infrastructure is often bringing it into existing businesses, I wanted to get Mike’s advice on how to start a business with this…

Episode 97: Fairness

That’s not fair! I’m reminded of my time as a kid thinking this way, yet admittedly it’s not only a childhood expression. What is fairness and why is it often an unhelpful way to approach the world? This is the question I pose to Mike in today’s episode. Books mentioned in this episode: Joy at…