Clapham Institute Blog

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Is This Fun?

Nick Foles, this year’s Super Bowl MVP, wants to be a youth pastor when he retires. What would you advise Nick to advise youth who want to play football?

The Centre That Holds

“The centre cannot hold” is how William Butler Yeats described the world in 1919. He was right about the world but wrong about the centre. The right one can hold.

Some Concrete Ideas

A reader last week asked for concrete ideas on how churches could collaborate. I have a few. So does a friend of mine, a graduate of the United States Naval Academy—an institution that instills collaboration.

Our Ticket In

In business, diversity and inclusion is overused and nearly meaningless. It’s a problem the faith community could help solve. But we’d have to recognize our ticket in.

Rays of Hope

Critics claim time spent on Facebook is harmful. Mark Zuckerberg takes this seriously. He’s changed Facebook’s mission to promote “time well spent.” That’s a ray of hope.

A Strategic Bet

David Brooks, 56, says his peers “seem clueless” about how to change the world. He’s betting on those under 40. There’s a lot of evidence that’s a strategic bet.

Left-Brain Innovation

There’s a debate whether innovation in the U.S. is rising or, as Peter Thiel, founder of PayPal claims, is “somewhere between dire straits and dead.” What if it’s neither? What if it’s left-brain?

My New Year's Resolution

The central theme in Judaism is return, the translation of the Hebrew word t’shuvah. That’s also the central theme for my 2018 New Year’s resolution—returning.

There's Something About Mary

Last week I wished you a Mary Christmas. But there’s something else about Mary that we, as Christ’s betrothed, would benefit from remembering.

Mary Christmas

How can this be? Mary’s response to learning she’d soon be pregnant (yet remain a virgin) typifies the faith that every believer ought to have.