Head-On Collisions
A friend of mine was recently summoned to appear in District Court. She asked me to go with her. It was instructive. I witnessed several head-on collisions with reality.
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A friend of mine was recently summoned to appear in District Court. She asked me to go with her. It was instructive. I witnessed several head-on collisions with reality.
Scattergories—fun game to play. But it’s also how we promote human flourishing.
If we’re going to come to any sort of agreement on how we address the frequency of mass attacks in the U.S., we going to have to include the Rational We.
In last week’s post, I looked at the recent spate of mass shootings and asked what might explain them. My friend Kent Dahlberg has a different take on the issue. I invited him to reply.
There have been 24 school shootings in the U.S. in 2018. The Second Amendment is not the problem, however. These massacres are the result of two Americas.
Forty percent of college students report being depressed. Many are suicidal. I’d recommend listening to David Foster Wallace’s 2005 commencement speech.
Atlanta megachurch pastor Andy Stanley recognizes our post-Christian age. He’s culturally observant. Stanley’s remedy, however, is worse than the disease.
Comedian Michelle Wolf’s condescending and caustic remarks at the White House correspondents’ dinner are merely the tip of the iceberg. We’ve turned upside down what the Apostle Paul meant about “suffering fools gladly.”
Summer movie season is close. If friends have difficulty recognizing the gospel in everyday life, refer them to movie ratings. MA-LSV comes straight out of Genesis.
The Limits of Reason
Michael Metzger
July 9, 2018
Human flourishing requires recognizing the limits of reason. I was recently reminded of this in viewing four of Raphael’s frescos.