Clapham Institute Blog

Welcome to the Clapham Institute Blog. You may have followed us previously at or come across us through a corporate event, church gathering, or online outreach. However you arrived here, we're glad to have you. If you have any questions about the content we're presenting, please feel free to reach out to us at any time.

The Few, The Perplexed

The Marine Corps has a recruiting tagline: “The Few, The Proud.” An exile’s tagline is similar: The Few, The Perplexed.

The Leader You Can Least Afford to Lose

Temple Grandin says disasters like the Boeing 737 MAX could be avoided. But it requires a particular kind of leader that other leaders can least afford to lose.


Some find it difficult to explain what Clapham Institute does. That’s because our work doesn’t fit in most ministry categories. We’re an outlier. Or maybe we’re not.

Parallel Callings

Want to be a culture-changer? Make sure you have parallel callings.

A Better Night Before Christmas

T’was the night before Christmas, and all through the house, not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse. Uh, not quite. Time for our annual reminder of what happened at the first Christmas.


Eavesdropping is legal in some cases. And it can be beneficial. And it’s biblical. So here’s an opportunity to eavesdrop on a conversation. We’re launching a podcast.

More Zombies

One-fifth of WeWork’s workforce is being laid off. The office rental company is yet another “Zombie Business.” That’s not good for workers. Nor is it good for capitalism.


Winston Churchill said the sheer breadth of his reading was “scaffolding” for constructing a comprehensive view of the world. Here’s some scaffolding (books) for a Christmas wish list.

Thanksgiving's Offspring

Cicero said: “Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, but the parent of all others.” If gratitude doesn’t come easily to you, consider gratitude’s offspring. And consider a few spiritual exercises that make us more grateful.

Suspicious Minds

Left-brained people tend to have suspicious minds. The result (as Elvis sang in 1969) is they’re “caught in a trap.” Doubt it? Click a link and take a test.