Clapham Institute Blog

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A Little Book

C. S. Lewis said we don’t need “more little books about Christianity, but more little books with their Christianity latent.” Here’s a little book that you can help us refine.

Two Kinds of Exile

Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon

For the faith community to invest its hard-earned social capital, it might remember the parlor game “Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon.”

Locating Ourselves in History

Locating modern Western Christianity in relationship to the history of the church.

Prescription for Action

The pandemic is daunting but the work of many churches has been amazing. At some point in the future, they ought to ask how they will invest all this hard-earned social capital.

Businesses with an Ambidextrous Infrastructure

The solution providing the infrastructure for sustainable innovation to solve problems is the ambidextrous organization.  Here are some examples.

Prayer & Pandemics

There are some paradoxes in prayer. See them? A pandemic can help, especially now that we seem to be seeing light at the end of the tunnel.

Out Of Business?

Lenin said “there are decades in which nothing happens, and there are weeks in which decades happen.” The last few weeks tell many leaders that the business they were in no longer exists.

Drinking Everything In

You’d assume that in going further up, everything below would get smaller and smaller. Not so.

What’s At Stake

In The Matrix, Morpheus asks Neo: What is real? When we go further up and further in, we see what’s “real” is the central issue in our post-Christian world.