Clapham Institute Blog

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Not Very Flattering

Imitation may be the sincerest form of flattery, but when evangelicals imitate some popular movements, the results are often not very flattering.

Concentrated Evil

There’s a big generational divide regarding the war in Ukraine. It might be bridged if Americans young and old became better readers.

The Main Thing (Pt.4)

Could there be more to Jesus’ offer of “living water” than we recognize?

The Main Thing (Pt.3)

Do we imagine Jesus as the Bridegroom proposing marriage to the Samaritan woman at the well? Augustine did.

The Main Thing (Pt.2)

Jane Studdock’s story suggests what many of us might repent of.

The Main Thing (Pt.1)

Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address is considered one of the greatest messages ever, largely because it had a central governing metaphor, a main image. Do you know what it is?

Missing the Main Thing

Lent is a season for penitence and preparation. But if we miss the main point of the cross, we’re left asking, Repent of what? Prepare for what?

Reflections on the War in Ukraine

Christians don’t have to be foreign policy experts, but they should at least understand what gave rise to the war in Ukraine.

Widely Praised, Hardly Practiced

Jesus said we cannot—can not—be his disciples unless we give up all our possessions. Why then does it seem so few Christians take this seriously?

A Way Forward

I appreciate folks who can evolve in their thinking. So I find it fascinating that many who are evolving are recommending the same way forward.