Clapham Institute Blog

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A Little Experiment

Here’s a little experiment related to America’s Great Experiment.

Our Undoing

Almost all our models and approaches for cultural change could prove to be our undoing.

Goblets & Thimbles

We might be unfamiliar with a few surprises in heaven.

Full Cups; Different Sizes

The paths we follow largely determine the size of our cup of joy in eternity.

In-and-Out, Back-and-Forth (Pt.2)

Is the disappearance of prophets why Tim Keller says spiritual formation needs to be completely redone?

In-and-Out, Back-and-Forth

There’s a pathway in the Bible as well as our brain. Taking it keeps us from being delusional.


Why are we hearing the word delusional more often these days?

Silent Artillery of Time

Is leaking the Supreme Court draft on abortion another round of “the silent artillery of time?”

Driver’s License

There’s a spiking mental health crisis among America’s youth. Would a driver’s license be one solution?

In Good Conscience

How can a Christian in good conscience worship in a church that celebrates Gay Pride? That’s how.