Clapham Institute Blog

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Where The Headlights Get Dim

It’s that time of year. We make New Year’s resolutions. Churches might make a few as well, looking fifteen years out, where the headlights get dim.

Be a Neighbor

Neighbor—then neighborhood. This was one of the tenets of the Clapham Sect. It ought to be for generous givers as well. It makes generous giving a whole lot simpler.

The Ideal Bride

“I can’t wait to have sex with him!” That’s what a soon-to-be-bride blurted out to me a few years ago. Good for her. She’s the ideal bride Jesus is looking for.

All You Need is Love

John Lennon said he wrote songs like “All You Need is Love” because he was a revolutionary, a radical. “My art is dedicated to change.” Changing how we view generosity works the same way. We have to become radical.

It's Too Late Baby

Almost December. Time to receive all sorts of Year-End fundraising letters. In most cases, however, Carole King is right. It’s too late baby.

To a Long-Loved Love

The pilgrims understood life is a long journey. It’s true for my wife Kathy and I. We’ve been married thirty-five years. Our journey has yielded a long-loved love.

"Religious Nones" as a Prophetic Voice

The detective said, “Just give me the facts.” Yet the facts are not enough. The facts are only meaningful within a frame.

Ships Passing in the Night

Few Christians have a close friend who is a religious “none.” Few Nones have a close friend who is a Christian. Nones and Christians are ships passing in the night.

Flourishing Free Markets

The fourth annual enrollment season for ObamaCare begins tomorrow. Officials expect few to sign up, leaving The Affordable Healthcare Act ailing. The deeper problem is that neither political party understands free markets.

A Holy Kiss

A letter that Peter DeMarco wrote has gone viral. First reported in The New York Times, he wrote it to the hospital staff who cared for his wife as she lay dying. One of their last moments together touches on the gospel. Do you see it?